Larson E Whipsnade Larson E Whipsnade View from inside the bottle.: Chinese Naval forces off California said to be on Joint UFO Suppression Mission.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chinese Naval forces off California said to be on Joint UFO Suppression Mission.

Gordon Duff, senior editor at Veterans Today, writes that an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a "highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat." He cites a classified memo that reveals there is a "clear and present danger" and that the opposition is extraterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly.  Read the complete article here.

Fact or fiction? What do you know?


  1. Who would believe this crap.

  2. If they really are here they are WAY more advanced than we could fathom and could kick the collective Earth's ass in a nanosecond. Why risk pissibg them off?

  3. Oh brother. With all of the things going on in our country and the world, THIS is what people come up with? Pathetic.

  4. Don't we have enough illegal aliens here already? Now hey want to immigrate from outer space too.. I'm leaving this planet as soon as possible and gonna go live on Saturn.

  5. guys it God, they're covering it up, they love our stupidity. I know this for sure. Just look into it. YouTube 9nania. It's all there

  6. My friend, they would have to have technology that is thousands of years ahead of us to get here. If they do,there is not a naval vessel on Earth that could stop them. Chinese,US or any other.

    1. Who said they had to get " here ? " They could've been here from the get. If there was an alien species from other univere's out there they would have to know that it would be worth it for them to come all that way in the first place..if the Earth wouldn't sustain them then they wouldn't come here unless it was for resources..the probability that is far greater chance for superior beings that have been here for thousands , even millions of years, maybe they are coming back ?

  7. Why do you spam Craigslist for this garbage? It must suck to be you.

    1. Probably because morons like you click on the links then take time to comment.

  8. You're all idiots...

  9. just demons pretending to be aliens.

    1. thats exactly right, the sad part is a ton of people are going to get tricked into buying this spaceman crap when they finally do present themselves to the world

  10. OO-tah goo-tah, Solo?

  11. Prob the Muslim Brotherhood sponsored by our fearless leader, Osama Obama.....thank God the Chinese are not Muslim....they might end up being our best friend....

  12. Don"t be fooled friend. It's been the wet dream of some in very high clearance levels of black ops, and the big shitty fortress in D.C. that starts with a "P". Reagan let it slip in a speech during his admin, and made mention of just how united we would all be as humans, if we were faced with an outside threat...... This was while discussing more funding to NASA by the way, or, Never A Straight Answer. Anyway, Most of all sightings, cases, and yes, even abductions are pulled off by a very high level black program, that is jointly run with hands from each "big-wig" country. There have been exceptions, like the Travis Walton case for instance, bullet proof. Benny and Barney Hill on the other hand, they were payed a visit, like so many, by THEM, and I mean, those that want to push a very deceptive Alien threat on the planet, so the other THEY, can have their New World Order, once and for all.

    I won't try to change your mind, but I've studied this UFO, and Alien crap for a very long time. I would be willing to bet a dollar and a donut, if anybody on this planet, actually saw a "Nordic", a "Grey", or a "Reptile", it more then likely came from underground, from either right here on earth, or from one of the colonies on the moon, or mars. We have them spread throughout. I will promise you this though, if this country, has made a deal with China, to go hunt down ET in the pacific...... Look for Red Dawn here in the states, come to full reality. Good luck in your findings.

  13. Damn Mexican Aliens!!!

  14. you idiots don't have a clue. Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as
    consulting on counter insurgency, surveillance technologies,
    intelligence analysis,defense technologies or acting as a UN diplomat and "special consultant." Duff currently serves on the boards of the Adamus Group, one of the world's largest energy technology firms and of a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group. His most recent project adapts advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN,USAID and International Wildlife Federation. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world
    and translated into a number of languages. Duff, military affairs
    analyst for Press TV, is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and
    sometimes controversial guest.


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