Larson E Whipsnade Larson E Whipsnade View from inside the bottle.: Aurora Shooting, Sikh Shooting and Sleeper Assassins

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aurora Shooting, Sikh Shooting and Sleeper Assassins

James Holmes graduated with honors in neuroscience, the study of how the brain works, and worked in a neuroscience research facility on campus. Wade Michael Page is a former soldier who worked in military psychological operations. Is there a connection? 

From Wikipedia:
Project MKUltra: A covert human research program into behavioral modification...

From Jessie Ventura and team:
"They call them Manchurian candidates, super-soldiers. They're the government's real-life predators. Jesse Ventura and his conspiracy team investigate the government plot to turn ordinary citizens into programmed killers..."

Mind Control
Manchurian Candidate
Sleeper Assassin 


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