Larson E Whipsnade Larson E Whipsnade View from inside the bottle.: Is there a conspiracy? Five easy steps to create a Manchurian Candidate.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Is there a conspiracy? Five easy steps to create a Manchurian Candidate.

 I received an email with a link to an interesting website. The writer asserts that the recent shootings are part of a concerted effort to manipulate Americans into giving up their 2nd amendment rights and that "...the killings are not random acts of violence and that the method of the attack is designed to inflame anger and hysteria in the American public..."

I want to know what you think? Do you have an opinion - or do you know what's going on. Please leave your comment and share your what you know...


  1. Please. It doesn't make any sense. Why would our government be involved with killing people? Most of these people who believe in conspiracy theories are paranoid and have mental or emotional issues.

    1. The answer is disarm the american public. More false-flag bullshit to control the public.

  2. Only poor uneducated white trash believe in this shit. You never see the nation's wealthiest believe in this. Seriously, you morons who believe in this and 2012 and Y2K and chemtrails are all jack offs and need to die so that our nation doesn't become any dumber.

  3. I agreed Joe, Starting with you.

  4. Hey fucktard. Good job on your grammar fail. Can you explain how you can "agreed joe?" Dumbass. Looks like you shouldn't be reproducing as well. Bitch.

  5. It is fact that president Roosevelt egged the Japanese on by cutting off their supply of oil and rubber. He knew well in advance that Pearl Harbor was to be targeted as well as many navel mucky mucks. Over 3,000 dead Americans! It is fact that President Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin attacks and sent hundreds of thousands troops into Vietnam. Over 50,000 dead Americans! It is fact that our CIA came up with a plan to blow up American passenger planes with passengers and blame it on Cuba so we could send our soldiers to invade. JFK nixed the plan that would have cost untold American lives.

    It is fact that Israel sent disguised warplanes and gunboats to sink the USS Liberty. Dozens of sailors were killed or wounded yet they managed to send a distress call for help. A flight of F4 phantom jets were launched and on their way. They were ordered to return to base by none other than president LBJ who stated he "wanted that goddamned ship on the bottom of the ocean!" The plan was to create the incident that would have America attack Egypt so to aid Israel in their quest to kill Muslims.

    Then there is Bush and company who lied through their teeth about Iraq and their WMDs. Thousands of dead American troops and hundreds of thousands dead civilians because of the lies! So don't think for one minute that the corrupt government of America isn't beyond mind controlling/drug inducing people to commit mass murders right here in hometown USA! Why? To scare all the sheeple into giving up their guns.....the only thing in the way of turning America into a complete dictatorship! You people need to look these things up and see for yourselves. You will be glad we have a second amendment! The best insurance to save our own asses.

  6. The possibility of our domestic government enacting a plan to sacrifice a small number of it's citizens to accomplish a specific goal is not entirely unfounded. As mentioned above, Winston Churchill had begged (Roosevelt)the US to enter the war with Germany, but after WWI the US had passed legislation to never again enter into a conflict unless US soil was attacked. After several years of clandesdine supply of arms, ammo, etc. to Britian under the veil of "merchant ships" carrying "humanitarian supplies" [many of which were targeted by Nazi submarines], it could be said with some certainty that the President was setting the stage for an attack by Germany which would justify (in the eyes of Congress) entering the war. This ploy having failed to produce the desired result, the embargo of Japan ensued, predicating the Dec 7 attack on Pearl Harbor which heralded the entry of the US into WWII; Mission accomplished. This is just one example from history (Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Kennedy to name a few others)that demonstrates the manipulation of events by Government to accomplish it's goals, however incredible it may seem.
    With that said, it is not entirely incomprehensible that events would be manipulated to create a fervor that would usher in legislation to limit (modification of the 2nd amendment) or prohibit firearms ownership (it happened in England and Australia after school shootings) as a means of disarming the citizens in the name of "protection" or "safety" of those same citizens. In fact, Adolf Hitler's regime did a very similar thing in the mid-1930's. So don't think "it can't happen here in the USA" because it can and might if the population remains too complacent. It seems to be a basic move in the How-to-rule playbook: take away the pesants weapons so they can't use them against you.
    Keep in mind rights are rarely taken away all at once, but rather, erroded slowly so the sum total won't be noticed (until it's too late). We all remember the saying 'Give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile' although in this instance it will be an inch at a time so it goes unnoticed until one day you wake up and realize they've taken that mile, or more.
    The first responsibility of sustaining a free democracy is for it's members to REMAIN VIGILANT against all enemy's both foregin and domestic.


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