Larson E Whipsnade Larson E Whipsnade View from inside the bottle.: Defense spending, National Security and the Military Industrial Complex

Friday, August 3, 2012

Defense spending, National Security and the Military Industrial Complex

"You're constantly being given false choices," Rubio told reporters this week on Capitol Hill. "'If you want to save national security, you have to agree to raise taxes that will hurt our economy.' Well, that's a false choice and quite frankly it's a destructive one."

Talk about false choices. This is being positioned to the American people as being about national security. The reality is that it's about funneling cash to the Military Industrial Complex. In order for the MIC to stay in business they need to find new markets (wars) to pedal their "products". If peace breaks out around the world there will be stock piles of their "products" as governments would not be buying war related goods and services. To stay in business the MIC needs soldiers to keep shooting, bombs to keep falling, military vehicles to keep getting destroyed so they can be replaced. Economics 101 - if there is no demand for your products your business will fail. So don't expect peace to break out any time soon as our elected officials serve at the will of the MIC and any actions they take will be to further perpetuate conflicts that will continue to drive more and more tax dollars to the MIC...

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