Larson E Whipsnade Larson E Whipsnade View from inside the bottle.: Should Mitt Romney Release More Tax Returns? What do you think?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Should Mitt Romney Release More Tax Returns? What do you think?

Mitt's wife Ann told NBC that her husband's campaign will not release any additional tax returns to the public. Some say this is a partisan issue but at least 20 prominent Republicans have gone on record saying that Romney should release more returns.

Why do you think Mitt is not releasing more of his tax returns? Will the returns reveal information that Mitt wants to conceal from the public? Should Mitt release more returns or is this a non issue.

This is an informal survey - please leave your comments.


  1. He should make them public. What is he hidding?

  2. Two years of tax returns is sufficient. What is releasing more years going to tell anyone? With the money Mitt makes you can be sure the IRS has gone over his returns year after year and since you haven't heard to the contrary, I have to believe his returns are accurately filed, as per the current tax laws in effect at the time the returns were filed. If you're looking for another reason to attack him for not paying enough taxes, don't blame him, blame the current tax code. Tell me, how many of the mega-rich Democrats, Hollywood actors, etc. pay any more taxes than they have to per the tax code? I don't see Warren Buffet or George Soros paying more than what they are obliged to by law. This tax issue is just another smokescreen by the Dems to take the heat off the Obama Administration for performing so poorly during his first term, which started off with him and the Dems in control of both the House and the Senate - he could pass whatever programs he wanted and look what we got. What happened to those shovel ready jobs????

  3. Hmm, I don't care how much Romney made or where he keeps it. I'll gladly support a new POTUS who knows how to run a profit bearing business the point where he may need to keep money in another nation because the US government takes too many taxes from our paychecks. It certainly beats the other choice; two morons I wouldn't trust with a subway franchise.
    Everything about the recovery of the American economy is riding on this presidential election. Choose Mitt and you'll get a job and a fair chance at legitimate constitutional representation. Choose Barry and you'll get to pay for more executive vactions while you lose your home and whatever job you can find to some illegal he just granted amnesty to...regardless of the fact that Congress has already said no to this travesty.

    Face it people, Obama is our Hitler in the making. Go look at how Hitler came to power and compare it to Obama tactics. That's not alarmist rhetoric, it's a real world history lesson. If you ignore history, you will repeat it!

  4. Shouldn't you care more about where The President spends your tax dollars?

    The Outstanding Public Debt as of 17 Aug 2012 at 01:53:50 AM GMT is:


    The estimated population of the United States is 313,331,784
    so each citizen's share of this debt is $50,902.57.

    The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
    $3.89 billion per day since September 28, 2007!


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